Serrestal® voor varkens

A swine farm clearly places a different set of demands on a barn system than, say, a cattle farm does. For this reason, ID Agro has designed a completely new roof structure for this sector, while retaining the Cow Lounges® specific trademark, its translucent roof!


Roof insulation is of great importance to ensure the ideal summer and winter environment inside a mechanically ventilated barn. As a result, the roof of the swine Cow Lounges® consists of a compound sheet system containing a cushion of static air. This cushion of air provides effective insulation while ensuring that the roof remains translucent. On the one hand, the outer shade screen reduces the amount of light and, on the other hand, it provides the subdued colour scheme of the roof. As an alternative to the air cushion insulation system, you could choose to use high-quality glass wool insulation, although the roof will lose (some of) its translucence.
We often apply glass wool roof insulation to poultry barns (link).

Light & Wellbeing

Even though the roof looks dark from the outside, an unprecedented amount of light enters the Cow Lounge®. This ensures that the swine experience a natural biorhythm (day & night rhythm). This significantly contributes to the wellbeing of the animals. A naturally lit working environment also contributes to pleasant working conditions for the swine farmer and his employees.


Because of its modular construction, the Cow Lounge® is extremely flexible when compared to traditional stables. The modular construction makes assembly of the structure simple and permits future extension (step-by-step if preferred) in any desired direction. The structure’s walls can be built using various materials, from prefabricated concrete units to sandwich panelling. This ensures that construction is possible on any base.

Environmental integration

A Cow Lounge® integrates very well into its environment. The construction of wide structures prevents high ridges, something which rapidly becomes the case when traditional saddle roofs are used. The structure also blends into the landscape due to its subdued colour scheme. The Cow Lounge® proves that a large structure does not have to look bulky.

Slaughter pigs

In the case of this patented customised concept, every arch forms a single section. Here, the length and breadth of the arch can be selected. As a result of this typical shape, large-volume sections are created. Either one or two sides of a section are located square to the central area. A number of functions are combined in the central area. These may include a manure storage area, a channel for incoming air, a work walkway and a central extraction channel. In this style of building, the air discharge point is optional and an air scrubber can easily be integrated.

Within this concept, a number of ventilation systems can be utilised. Ideally, the incoming air is led underneath the convex floor and enters the section from underneath via the gridded feed path, with or without using the basement below the feed path. Damper units regulate the ventilation flow per section according to negative pressure in the central extraction channel. The size (diameter) of the extraction channel is determined according to the (future) maximum ventilation capacity necessary.

If desired, it is also possible to mount ventilating fans in the sheet-covered roof.


Gestating sows

The Cow Lounge® is ideal for the housing of gestating sows. These sows also draw the most benefit from the translucent roof, since they spend most of their time here. With range of roofing concepts, we can construct any desired arrangement and configuration. The first Cow Lounge® for gestating sows will be taken into use during 2011.

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